Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saline Family Chiropractic sets the bar for food donation

Dr. Paquin, his staff and all of his Saline Family Chiropractic clients have set out to make a real difference for area families.  If you follow my blogs at all, you know that about every month or so I write something about the importance of food donation for families in need.  I remind you that food pantries aren't only for the poor and homeless, and that your very own next door neighbor could be utilizing a food bank and you wouldn't even know it.  I also remind you that donating food is a great way to plant the seed of volunteerism in kids, and to teach them the benefits of helping others with a topic they can relate to, like Cheerios and grilled cheese sandwiches, and what it would be like to not have them.

Over one million people in Michigan alone visit food banks annually.  According to the Food Gatherers website in Ann Arbor, a land mark study, Hunger in America 2010, released in February, reports that more than 43,900 people--including more thatn 14,000 children and 6,500 seniors--receive emergency food each year through Food Gatherers' network of emergency food pantries and meal sites.  The findings represent a 138 percent increase since 2006.

This is where Dr. P. comes in.  Right now he and his staff are collecting good food for Food Gatherers and United Way right in his office waiting area.  They've got eight giant barrels filled and want to overflow those before the food drive ends in another week or so.  To add a little incentive to get donations sooner than later, he's having a drawing.  One bag of groceries gets you an entry to win a gigantic, flat screen TV.   It's a beauty!  I've seen it myself during our regular visits for adjustments and my ticket is in that bowl!  The more bags of groceries, the more entries.

If you'd like to donate, the time is now.  Food banks are in short supply, especially over the summer when kids are home from school and unable to benefit from school lunches.

Dr. Paquin and his staff are happy to take your donation in their office located at 144 S. Industrial Drive in Saline, across the street from Country Market.  They are closed from 1pm-3pm for lunch daily, and are closed Tuesday mornings and all day Thursday.  Check out their Facebook page for more details.

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