I am a self-professed, hard-core garage-saler. I love them. When Spring rolls around my eyes are peeled for orange and black signs as I drive my neighborhood and I don't stop looking until after Labor Day. Going garage or yard sale shopping is the perfect Saturday activity if you don't have anything else to do. For some, it is the only thing to do!
I've rubbed off on my sons too. They have keen garage sale sign radar and help me navigate my way looking for addresses and scouting good deals. This upcoming weekend is sure not to disappoint.
The biggest scores come from subdivision, multi-family, business and church garage sales. This Saturday, I've found one that is a little bit of both. The Children's Creative Learning Center (voted Ann Arbor's favorite center/preschool by Ann Arbor Family Magazine) is having a huge, combined yard sale with over 20 families setting up their wares for your browsing pleasure. If you have toddlers, then day care centers and preschools are terrific places to find toys and educational items for your kids at TERRIFIC prices.
Here are the details:
Saturday, May 22
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
5939 Saline-Ann Arbor Rd.
Saline, MI
Here are some shopping tips for the all day garage/yard sale shopper, thanks to The Yardsale Queen:
1. Make sure you have sun hat, sunglasses (to prevent glare when trying to read signs) and sun block if the weather is sunny.
2. Keep a small cooler in your car with cold water and beverages
3. Wear comfy shoes, and avoid sandals unless you like wet feet from dewy grass and sprinklers.
4. Carry plenty of change and small bills, don't be afraid to negotiate price!
5. Bring rope and an all purpose tool in case you need to tie something to the top of your car or tie your trunk closed.
6. Carry a local map or mapquests along with classified/garage sale ads
7. Bring a variety of batteries if you want to test battery operated items to make sure they work
Garage sales are also great places for kids to get more for their money (piggy bank change can go a long way) and practice their math and change-making skills. It's never too early to teach them to be smart consumers.
So load up your dollar bills and tote bags, bottles of water and sneakers and be sure to navigate the classifieds of Annarbor.com. Go forth this weekend ready to shop and may the deals be with you!